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US Statistics Import Data(USSID)

Profiles of US Statistics Import Data(USSID)

US Statistics Import Data(USSID) can be searched by 10-digit HS Code, 8-digit HS Code, 6-digit HS Code, 4-digit HS Code, and 2-digit HS Code, also by Specified Country, or Port, etc.. We provide actual live US Statistics Import Data(USSID) since 2000 onwards.

US Statistics Import Data(USSID) include Trade Flow, 10-digit HS Code, Product, Month, General Quantity, General Total Value CIF US$, General Unit Value CIF US$, Country of Purchase, District of Entry, District of Unlading, Consumption Quantity, Consumption Total Value CIF US$, Consumption Unit Value CIF US$, Country SubDescription, General Total Value FOB US$, Consumption Total Value FOB US$, General Secondary Quantity, Consumption Secondary Quantity, Unit, Secondary Unit, Rate Description, Dutiable Value, Shipping Weight By Vessel, Shipping Value By Vessel, Shipping Weight By Air, Containerized Shipping Weight By Vessel, Containerized Shipping Value by Vessel, Shipping Value By Air, HS6, HS4, HS2, Year, etc.. US Statistics Import Data(USSID) is useful when you want to check Import Market size of USA.

US Statistics Import Data(USSID) sample can be viewed and searched by clicking the following hyperlinks:

Service Process:

1) Please search the data sample according to your requirement on our website, and confirm if it is what you are interested; If yes, please send the information you require, including product key words and periods you order. It is best for you to download the order form, and please send it to us after filling in.

2) We both sides agree on price and service content; We send you invoice, and then you pay according to the payment route in the invoice; It is best for you to send the remittance copy to us via fax or email;

3) We send you data via email; You can also view and download the data and report automatically generated in our online system by your user ID and password.

Name:United States;(long form) United States of America

Location: North America

Capital City: Washington, DC

Main Cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco

Population: 260,513,000

Area: 9,372,610 km2

Currency: US dollar (USD)

Languages: English, Spanish, and over 30 others

Religions: Protestant, Roman Catholic, Judaism  

United States of America (USA), the world's largest economy, includes (50) states; (48) continental states, plus Alaska and Hawaii, the two newest states.