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Russia Import and Export Data

Profiles of Russia Import and Export Data

Russia Import and Export Data is also called Russia Import Export Data, or Russia Import and Export Trade Data, Russia Trade Data. There are 2 kinds of Russia Import and Export Data: Russia customs Data (RUCD) and Russia Trade Flow Data(RUTF). The quality of Russia Import and Export Data provided is the best in the world.

Profiles of Russia Customs Data (RUCD)

Russia customs Data (RUCD) is also called Russia Customs Import and Export Data, or Russia Customs Import and Export Data with company, Russia Customs Data with company. RUCD is provided according to the-first-6- digit HS Code. We provide actual live RUCD since 2000 onwards.

Russia customs import Data contains both Russian company and foreign company. Russia customs import Data cover ImpExp, 10-digit HS Code, Actual Detailed Product, Actual Detailed Product English, Actual Detailed Product Chinese, Month, Russian Importer, Russian Importer English, Customs Registration Date, Foreign Exporter, Gross Weight Kilos, Net Weight Kilos, Invoice Value, Cargo Customs Value in Roubles, Cargo Statistics Value in US Dollars, Amount of Payment in US dollars, Amount of Payment in Russia roubles, USD Per Kilo, Quantity of Container, Quantity of Cargo in Secondary Unit of Measure, Trading Country, Origin Country, Departure Country, Manufacturer, Declaration Number, Cargo Release Date, Date for Applicable Exchange Rate, Number of Packages, Container Transport Record, Number of Items of Goods in GTD, Status, Cargo Number on GTD, Quota, Russian Importer Taxpayer Number, Importer Adddress, Contact Person English, Contact Person Russian, Official Position, Phone No, Fax No, Email Address, URL, Bank Identification Code, Certificates Number, Trade Mark, Foreign Exporter City, Exporter Zip Code, Exporter Street, Exporter Province, Exporter Country, Russian Payer Name, Payer Taxpayer Number, Payer Address, Declarant Taxpayer Number, Declarant Name, Declarant Address, Customs Name, City Name, Address, Customs Phone, Customs Fax, Declarant, Phone Number, Position, Incoterms, Currency Contract Prices, Cargo Delivery Point, Railway Stations or Warehouse, Consignee's Warehouse Customs Location, Name of Secondary Unit of Measure, Code of Customs Supervision, Fees Preferences, Customs Procedure Code, Type of Customs Declaration, Additional Code of Units, Customs Value Adjustment, Type of Information, Type of Document, Year, etc. You may communicate with buyers(importers) or suppliers(exporters) directly as per your requirements.

Russia customs export Data contains both Russian company and foreign company. Russia customs export Data cover ImpExp, 10-digit HS Code, Actual Detailed Product, Actual Detailed Product English, Actual Detailed Product Chinese, Month, Russian Exporter, Russian Exporter English, Customs Registration Date, Foreign Importer, Gross Weight Kilos, Net Weight Kilos, Invoice Value, Cargo Customs Value in Roubles, Cargo Statistics Value in US Dollars, Amount of Payment in US dollars, Amount of Payment in Russia roubles, USD Per Kilo, Quantity of Container, Quantity of Cargo in Secondary Unit of Measure, Trading Country, Origin Country, Departure Country, Manufacturer, Declaration Number, Cargo Release Date, Date for Applicable Exchange Rate, Number of Packages, Container Transport Record, Number of Items of Goods in GTD, Status, Cargo Number on GTD, Quota, Russian Exporter Taxpayer Number, Exporter Adddress, Contact Person English, Contact Person Russian, Official Position, Phone No, Fax No, Email Address, URL, Bank Identification Code, Certificates Number, Trade Mark, Foreign Importer City, Importer Zip Code, Importer Street, Importer Province, Importer Country, Russian Payer Name, Payer Taxpayer Number, Payer Address, Declarant Taxpayer Number, Declarant Name, Declarant Address, Customs Name, City Name, Address, Customs Phone, Customs Fax, Declarant, Phone Number, Position, Incoterms, Currency Contract Prices, Cargo Delivery Point, Railway Stations or Warehouse, Consignee's Warehouse Customs Location, Name of Secondary Unit of Measure, Code of Customs Supervision, Fees Preferences, Customs Procedure Code, Type of Customs Declaration, Additional Code of Units, Customs Value Adjustment, Type of Information, Type of Document, Year, etc. You may communicate with buyers(importers) or suppliers(exporters) directly as per your requirements.

Russia customs Data (RUCD) is essential to grow International business. RUCD reveal the trading activities of importers and exporters, and give you an unprecedented understanding of the import-export business. Russia customs Data (RUCD) sample can be viewed and searched on the BTDaaS comtrade system.

Service Process:

1) Please search the data sample according to your requirement on our website, and confirm if it is what you are interested; If yes, please send the information you require, including the-first-6- digit HS Code, periods you order, and trade type ( import, export, or import & export); It is best for you to download the order form, and please send it to us after filling in. Russia HS Code can be searched on the following webpage: Global HS Code Search.

2) We both sides agree on price and service content; We send you invoice, and then you pay according to the payment route in the invoice; It is best for you to send the remittance copy to us via fax or email;

3) We send you past data in 1 workday, and send the last-month data at the end of every future month via email; You can also view and download the data and report automatically generated in our online system by your user ID and password.

Name: Russia; (long form) Russian Federation  

Land Areas:  6,592,769 sq miles (17,075,200 sq km), the world's largest country

Population: 143,420,300

Capital City: Moscow (10.9 million)

Currency: Russian Ruble (RUR)

Languages: Russian, numerous minority dialects  

Religions: Russian Orthodox, Muslim, other

Russia is bordered by the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, a dozen seas, and 14 countries, including Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, (Kaliningrad Oblast) and the Ukraine.

In 1991, the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) dissolved, and when that union ended, Russia itself and its former republics all became separate countries.

Russia has over 1,000 major cities, with 16 having a metro population of more than one million. The most populated cities are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg. More than 75% of the entire Russian population live in European Russia.