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Asia Data

Indonesia Import and Export Data

India Import and Export Data

Indonesia Customs Import Data
Indonesia Customs Export Data
Indonesia Statistics Import and Export Data

India Customs Import and Export Data
India Customs Import Data(One Port)
India Statistics Import and Export Data

Viet Nam Import and Export Data

Kazakhstan Import and Export Data

Viet Nam Customs Import Data
Viet Nam Customs Export Data

Kazakhstan Customs Import Data
Kazakhstan Customs Export Data

South Korea Import and Export Data

Pakista Import and Export Data

Statistics by importers/exporters
Statistics by Countries,Month and Year

Pakistan Bills Import Data
Pakistan Bills Export Data

Sri Lanka Import and Export Data

Japan Import and Export Data

Sri Lanka Bills Import Data
Sri Lanka Bills Export Data

Japan Statistics Import Data
Japan Statistics Export Data

Singapore Import and Export Data

Malaysia Import and Export Data

Singapore Trade Flow Import Data
Singapore Trade Flow Export Data

Malaysia Trade Flow Import Data
Malaysia Trade Flow Export Data

Thailand Import and Export Data

Turkey Import and Export Data

Thailand Trade Flow Import Data
Thailand Trade Flow Export Data

Turkey Trade Flow Import Data
Turkey Trade Flow Export Data

Philippine Import and Export Data

Jordan Import and Export Data

Philippine Trade Flow Import and Export Data
Philippine Customs Import and Export Data

Jordan Trade Flow Import Data
Jordan Trade Flow Export Data

Uzbekistan Import and  Export Data

Afghanistan Import and Export Data

Uzbekistan Customs Import and Export Data
Uzbekistan Trade Flow Data

Afghanistan Customs Import and Export Data
Afghanistan Trade Flow Data

Taiwan & Hong Kong & Macao Data

Import and Export Data of Other Asia Countries

Taiwan Trade Flow Data
Hong Kong Trade Flow Data
Macao Trade Flow Data

Import and Export Data of Bhutan , Israel , Kyrgyzstan ,

Lebanon , Nepal , Saudi Arabia and Yemen

As the planet's largest continent, Asia covers about 30 percent of the world's landmass and includes (44) countries and assorted islands and/or dependencies. The continent includes the world's most populated countries, China and India .

Hong Kong and Macau are 2 Special Administrative Regions of China. Taiwan is China 's 23rd province.            

The Middle East (or West Asia) sits where Africa, Asia and Europe meet. The countries of the Middle East are all part of Asia.

Turkey is officially, politically and geographically considered part of both Asia and Europe. The small northwestern portion of Turkey named ( Thrace ) is a recognized part of Europe, while the largest part (Anatolia) is located in the Middle East, a part of Asia.
 Opinions vary as to what countries make up the modern definition of the Middle East. Historically, Armenia and Azerbaijan have been long associated with the Middle East, but in recent years, some sources now consider them to be more closely aligned with Europe based on their modern economic and political trends.
 The African country of Egypt is still thought (by some) to be in the Middle East, as well as the northern African countries that border the Mediterranean Sea.
 Here we attempt to show the modern definition of the Middle East, but in world of geography, there are often many answers or (personal or political opinions) to what appears to be a simple question.