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Our Products provides 6 kinds of global import and export data as follows:

1) Customs Data (CD)

Customs Data (CD) contains Importer, Exporter, and HS Code, covering 80 countries:

Asia: Turkey, India, Vietnam, Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka,  Thailand , Bangladesh

Europe: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Poland

South America: Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Guyana, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama

Africa and others:Cameroon, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Congo (Kinshasa), Zambia, Liberia, Lesotho, SAO Tome and Principe democracy, Sierra leone, Ghana, Namibia, Tanzania, Nigeria, South Sudan, S.Africa, Niger, Togo, Chad, Rwanda, Central African Republic searched by HS Code;

2) Bills Data (BD)

Bills Data (BD) contains Consignee (Importer), Shipper (Exporter), and Actual Detailed Product Description, covering 7 countries: USA, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador, searched by Product keyword;

3) Trade Statistics (TS)

Trade Statistics (TS) contains HS Code, Product, Country, and Port, covering over 50 countries such as China, European Union 28 Countries, Japan, and USA, searched by HS Code;

4) Trade Flow (TF)

Trade Flow (TF) contains HS Code, Month, and Partner Country, covering over 100 countries such as Australia, China, Egypt, South Africa, Singapore, and Taiwan, searched by HS Code and Reporting Country;

5) Exporters & Importers (EI)

Exporters & Importers (EI) contains HS Code and Product, covering over 100 countries such as Canada, Spain, and Australia, searched by HS Code or Product Keyword;

6) Total Trade Data (TTD)

Total Trade Data (TTD) contains HS Code, Month, Total Quantity, and Total Value, covering over 170 countries such as China, European Union, Japan, USA, and Australia, searched by HS Code and Reporting Country;

Total 186 countries import and export data is available from

1) China Import and Export Data

China Import and Export Data includes China Customs Import and Export Data(CCD25, CCD42, CCD52);China Both-side-company Data(CBD8, CBD10);China Statistics Import and Export Data(CSD15, CSD33);China Trade Flow Import and Export Data(CTF);China Importers and Exporters (CIE);China Total Import and Export Data(CTD); China Trade Research Monthly Report(CTRMR); China Trade Research Yearly Report(CTRYR); China Trade Research Custom-made Report(CTRCR); China Trade Research monthly and yearly report of every HS Code can be found in China HS Code

China Customs Data(CCD), China Both-side-company Data(CBD), China Importers and Exporters (CIE), and China Trade Research Report are provided according to 8-digit HS Code, while China Statistics Data(CSD), China Trade Flow(CTF), and China Total Data(CTD) are provided according to the-first-6--digit HS Code. CCD25 is most popular presently; CCD42 contains most information for 8-digit HS Codes. CCD52 contains actual detailed product description and 10-digit HS Codes, but much more expensive; CBD10 is a new China import and export data. is the largest global provider of China Import and Export Data. have already provided China import and export data, and research report to thousands of customers from over 60 countries. China Import and Export Data is available since 2000 onwards.

2) US and Canada Import and Export Data

US and Canada Import and Export Data includes US Bills Export Data(USBED); US Bills Import Data(USBID); US Statistics Export Data(USSED); US Statistics Import Data(USSID); US Trade Flow Import and Export Data(USTF); US Importers and Exporters(USIE); US Total Import and Export Data(USTD); Canada Trade Flow Import and Export Data(CATF); Canada Importers and Exporters(CAIE); Canada Total Import and Export Data(CATD);

US Bills Data(USBD) and US Importers and Exporters(USIE) are provided according to product keywords; US Statistics Data(USSD), US Trade Flow (USTF), US Total Data(USTD), Canada Trade Flow (CATF), Canada Importers and Exporters(CAIE), Canada Total Data(CATD) are provided according to the-first-6--digit HS Code. US Bills Import Data(USBID) and Canada Importers and Exporters(CAIE) is most popular presently. US Bills Export Data(USBED) is a new US Import and Export Data. is the largest global provider of US Bills Export Data(USBED).

3) Asia Import and Export Data

Asia Import and Export Data covers the following countries: Indonesia; India; Vietnam; Kazakhstan; South Korea; Pakistan; Sri Lanka; Japan; Singapore; Malaysia; Thailand; Turkey; Philippines; Jordan; Uzbekistan; Afghanistan; Taiwan & Hong Kong & Macao; Other Asia Countries;

Indonesia Import and Export Data is provided according to 10-digit HS Code; Vietnam Import and Export Data is provided according to 8-digit HS Code; Import and Export Data of Other Asia Countries are provided according to the-first-6-digit HS Code. is the largest global provider of Indonesia Customs Import and Export Data, India Customs Import and Export Data, Vietnam Customs Import and Export Data, Kazakhstan Customs Import and Export Data, and South Korea customs Import and Export Data.

4) Latin America Import and Export Data

Latin America Import and Export Data covers the following countries: Mexico; Brazil; Venezuela; Costa Rica; Bolivia; Honduras; Argentina; Chile; Peru; Colombia; Uruguay; Paraguay; Panama; Ecuador;Nicaragua; EL Salvador; Guatemala; Other Latin America Countries;

Mexico and Brazil customs Import and Export Data with company name are most popular presently among Latin America Import and Export Data. Bolivia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama, and Ecuador customs Import and Export Data with company name are new import and export data. is the largest global provider of Mexico Customs Import and Export Data, Brazil Customs Import and Export Data, Bolivia Customs Import and Export Data, and Venezuela Customs Import and Export Data.

5) Europe & Africa & Oceania Import and Export Data

Europe & Africa & Oceania Import and Export Data covers the following countries: Russia; EU 28 Countries; Ukraine; UK; Moldova; Spain; Georgia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Norway; Switzerland; South Africa; Egypt; Botswana; Morocco; Australia;New Zealand; Fiji; Samoa; French Polynesia; Other Countries; is the largest global provider of Russia Customs Import and Export Data, and EU 28 Countries Statistics Import and Export Data.

6) Company & Market Research also provides Global Importers (GI); Global Exporters (GE); Global Importers and Exporters (GIE), Total Trade Data(TTD), Market Data, and company and market research report such as Company Credit Report, Company Survey Report, Market Research Report.

Data Availability details are in Countries Covered (186 countries.)