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Pakistan Import and Export Data

Profiles of Pakistan Import and Export Data

Pakistan Import and Export Data is also called Pakistan Import Export Data, or Pakistan Import and Export Trade Data, Pakistan Trade Data. There are 2 kinds of Pakistan Import and Export Data: Pakistan Bills Data (PKBD) and Pakistan Trade Flow Data (PKTF).

Profiles of Pakistan Bills Data(PKBD)

Pakistan Bills Data (PKBD), is also called Pakistan Bill of Lading Data, or Pakistan B/L Data. Pakistan Bills Data (PKBD) have both Pakistan companies and foreign companies information. We have live daily Pakistan Bills Data (PKBD) since 2000 onwards. Pakistan Bills Data (PKBD) is searched by product description wise (product key words).

Pakistan Bills Import Data (PKBID) include, ImpExp, Detailed Product Description, Month, Pakistan Importer, Importer_Address, Arrival Date, Foreign Exporter, Origin Country, Gross Weight, Quantity, Qty Unit, NO of Packing, Packing Unit, Manifest Date, Bill of Lading Date, Destination Port, Port of Shipment, Shipping Line, Manifest NO, Index NO, Flight NO, Bill of Lading NO, ID, Container, Vessel Flight, Year, etc.. You will get complete details of company such as Name and address of company, complete contact details, Email Address, Contact person, Designation, etc. You may communicate with buyers and suppliers directly as per your requirements.

Pakistan Bills export Data (PKBED) include ImpExp, Month, Product Description, SBDate, Pakistan Exporter, Exporter Address, Foreign Importer, COUNTRY, PORT, Quantity, Unit, SAGName, ID, Coll, TYP, EGMNO, EGMDate, Vessel, Sline, SBNO, Year, etc.. You will get complete details of company such as Name and address of company, complete contact details, Email Address, Contact person, Designation, etc. You may communicate with buyers and suppliers directly as per your requirements.

Pakistan Bills Data (PKBD) sample can be viewed and searched by BTDaaS system.

Service Process:

1) Please search the data sample according to your requirement on our website, and confirm if it is what you are interested; If yes,  please send the information you require, including product key words and periods you order. It is best for you to download the order form, and please send it to us after filling in.   

2) We both sides agree on price and service content; We send you invoice, and then you pay according to the payment route in the invoice; It is best for you to send the remittance copy to us via fax or email;

3) We send you data via email; You can also view and download the data and report automatically generated in our online system by your user ID and password.

Profiles of Pakistan Trade Flow Import and Export Data(PKTF)

Pakistan Trade Flow Import and Export Data(PKTF) include HS Code, Product, Reporting Country, Partner Country, Quantity, Value, Price, Continents etc., provided according to the first 6-digt HS Code. We provide actual live Pakistan Trade Flow Import and Export Data(PKTF) since 2000 onwards.

Pakistan Trade Flow Import and Export Data(PKTF) can be viewed and searched on BTDaaS system.


Service Process:

1) Please search the data sample according to your requirement on our website, and confirm if it is what you are interested; If yes, please send the information you require, including 6- digit HS Code, periods you order, and trade type ( import, export, or import & export); It is best for you to download the order form, and please send it to Pakistan after filling in.

2) We both sides agree on price and service content; We send you invoice, and then you pay according to the payment route in the invoice; It is best for you to send the remittance copy to Pakistan via fax or email;

3) We send you past data in 1 workday, and send the last-month data at the end of every future month via email; You can also view and download the data and report automatically generated in our online system by your Pakistaner ID and password.

Name: Pakistan; (long form) Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Population: 162,419,900

Capital City: Islamabad (965,000)

Currency: Pakistani Rupee (PKR)

Languages: Punjabi (48%), Sindhi (12%), Siraiki (10%), Pashtu (8%), Urdu (8%), others

Religions: Sunni Muslim (77%), Shi'a Muslim (20%)

Land Areas: 310,403 sq miles (803,940 sq km)

Land Divisions: 4 provinces, including Balochistan, North-West Frontier Province, Punjab and Sindh. It also includes the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the Islamabad Capital Territory.

Pakistan, part of the Indian Subcontinent, and positioned in the Middle East, a recognized geographical region of southwestern Asia, is in both the northern and eastern hemispheres. The country is bordered by Iran, Afghanistan, China, India and the Arabian Sea.

In 1947, as British rule came to an end in India, Pakistan was created when the Muslim-dominated parts of India (to the west and east) of Hindu India, were given autonomy.

Those two partitions were called East and West Pakistan and they were separated (right down the middle) by India.

The city of Islamabad, with its mix of traditional Islamic architecture styles and modern features, became the capital city when it was officially moved here from Karachi in 1959.

Then, in 1971, East Pakistan demanded independence, and after a bloody civil war it was transformed into what is now called the country of Bangladesh.