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About, sponsored by Import & Export Data Centre of HS International Group in 2002, is the largest provider of international trade data mined from more than 200 million raw data records added each year. has been specialized in providing the latest, the most professional and comprehensive import and export trade information service to various clients from all over the world. owns a professional import and export trade research team composed of international renowned experts, has intimate relationships with government agencies, and has marketing network in Australia, China, U.S.A, and U.A.E.

ImpExp `S full scope of trade information services ranges from international Import and Export Data of 186 Countries (See Countries covered ), Import and Export Data Statistics Research, and Importers and Exporters Research to Market Research. By collaborating with our client throughout engagements, we build support, ensure momentum and reach workable solutions that will have real impact. Up till now, has served several thousand clients from over 60 countries worldwide.

"Be credible and reliable, Do it correctly and effectively " is our philosophy. We welcome your business and visit.