10:49 17 / 01 / 2016
In October 2015, the total retail sales of consumer goods in China reached2,827.9 billion yuan, up by 11.0 percent year-on-year, has said the NationalBureau of Statistics of China. Of the total, the retail sales of consumer goodsof units above designated size was 1,261.2 billion yuan, increased 8.4 percent.
From January to October, the total retail sales of consumergoods in Chinareached 24,435.9 billion yuan, up by 10.6 percent year-on-year. Of the total,the retail sales of consumer goods of units above designated size was 11,383.3billion yuan, increased 7.6 percent.
In terms of different areas, the retail sales of consumer goodsin urban areas was 2,444.7 billion yuan in October, up by 10.8 percent,year-on-year; while that in rural areas was 383.2 billion yuan, up by 12.2percent, year-on-year. From January to October, the retail sales of consumergoods in urban areas was 21,029.0 billion yuan, up by 10.4 percent year-on-year;whilethat in rural areas was 3,406.9 billion yuan, up by 11.8 percent.
In terms of different consumption patterns, the cateringservices in October gained 317.5 billion yuan, up by 12.4 percent,year-on-year. The retail sales of goods gained 2,510.4 billion yuan, up by 10.8percent. From January to October, the catering services gained 2624.6 billionyuan, up by 11.8 percent, year-on-year; the retail sales of goods gained21,811.3 billion yuan, up by 10.4 percent.
The retail sales amount of goods of units above designated sizein October was 1,179.6 billion yuan, up by 8.3 percent year-on-year. FromJanuary to October, the retail sales amount of goods of units above designatedsize was 10,685.4 billion yuan, up by 7.6 percent year-on-year.
From January to October, the national online retail sales ofgoods and services in Chinawas 2,948.4 billion yuan, increased 34.6 percent year-on-year. Of which, theonline retail sales of physical goods was 2445.4 billion yuan, increased 33.0percent, accounting for 10.0 percent of the total retail sales of consumergoods; the online retail sales of non-physical goods was 503.0 billion yuan,increased 43.1 percent. Of the online retail sales of physical goods, food,clothing and other commodities went up by 41.2 percent, 24.4 percent and 36.2percent respectively.